Civ2Con (Civil to Construction)
110 lineal metres at 600mm high
2 weeks
Civ2Con contracted us to install over 110LM engineered concrete sleeper retaining walls for the new coastal community project. With a tight timeframe of 2 weeks, our experts began by assessing the site and quickly discovering a few challenges that needed to be overcome. The sandy conditions made site access rather challenging and had the potential for our machines to sink. On top of this, unforeseen obstacles such as old footings, rocks and bricks required us to drill 1.6 metres deep but had the potential for the hole's diameter to blow out. And lastly, a main pipe required us to work diligently and precisely to avoid an accidental rupture. Our solution was advising on using cementing around the formatube when rock drilling to minimise the cost and requirement of a bulk concrete fill to maintain structure and retain the piers. We also requested a spotter and employed constant communication to assist us in drilling around the main pipe. Another project delivered on program and on budget.
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