Residential client
70LM multi-tiered wall at 1 metre high + 2 x sleeper staircases
1 month
For this residential project, the challenge was to create a multi-tiered retaining wall with many returns, providing a functional and visually appealing solution for the client. Initial challenges included tight access to the site, with only our 1.7t Kubota able to fit, a steep slope and earth sitting 3 metres high to be retained which had a multi-unit development sitting on top. To combat these challenges, our team utilised offsets & 45-degree batters to ensure that a 1-metre-high retaining wall would suffice in retaining such a high earth structure. Drilling through the siltstone of the 100m3 site proved extremely slow and challenging as it pushed the mini excavator to its limits. However, by using a combo rock drill to get through the rock, we were able to ensure the footings were at a depth that was ideal for this retaining wall. Once the site cut was complete, our team was able to install a 1-metre high retaining wall, avoid the rigorous process of permits, engineering and builders licences, and turn this unusable space into a beautiful multi-tiered space with the help of 2 x stair kits. We finished it off with some Agi Drains to ensure water wouldn’t collect on top and the new space would delight the client all year round.
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